
This tutorial illustrates how to use the mousetrap package to process, analyze and visualize movement trajectories. It accompanies the paper of the same name.

The R code in this tutorial performs all analyses and creates all trajectory data related figures that are presented in the paper.

After running the initialization section, all subsequent sections are self-contained. That is, each section can be run independently, as it prepares the data needed for its analysis and plot.


Load libraries required in this tutorial


Set custom ggplot2 theme and colors

custom_colors <- cividis(5)
custom_colors_3 <- custom_colors[c(1, 4, 5)]

Figure 1: Setup

Preprocess data

# Import and preprocess mouse-tracking data
mt_data <- KH2017_raw %>%
  filter(correct == 1) %>%
  mt_import_mousetrap() %>%
  mt_remap_symmetric() %>%
  mt_align_start(start = NULL) %>%
  mt_subset(mt_id %in% c("id0013", "id0030", "id0033"))

# Specify coordinates of buttons that should be plotted
rectangles <- matrix(
    -840, 525, 350, -170,
    840, 525, -350, -170
  ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE

# Specify button labels
button_labels <- data.frame(
  label = c("Whale", "Mammal", "Fish"),
  xpos = c(0, -665, 665),
  ypos = c(-440 + 85 + 40, 440, 440)

Create plot

mt_plot(mt_data, return_type = "mapping") +
  mt_plot_add_rect(rectangles) +
  coord_cartesian(xlim = c(-840, 840), ylim = c(-525, 525), expand = FALSE) +
  geom_path(aes(color = mt_id), size = 2) +
    aes(x = xpos, y = ypos, label = label), data = button_labels, size = 3.2
    ) +
  theme(legend.position = "none") +
  scale_color_manual(values = custom_colors_3) +
  labs(x = NULL, y = NULL)

Descriptives for raw trajectories

mt_data <- KH2017_raw %>%
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##    72.0   133.0   169.0   206.3   225.0  2159.0
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##     703    1320    1672    2049    2234   21577

Figure 4: Resampling

Preprocess data

# Import and preprocess mouse-tracking data
mt_data <- KH2017_raw %>%
  filter(correct == 1) %>%
  mt_import_mousetrap() %>%
  mt_remap_symmetric(remap_xpos = "no") %>%
  mt_subset(mt_id %in% c("id0013", "id0030", "id0033"))

# Only select every second trajectory position
mt_data$trajectories <- mt_data$trajectories[, seq(1, 151, 2), ]

Create plot

# Plot raw trajectories
p1 <- mt_plot(mt_data, return_type = "mapping") +
  geom_path(color = "white", alpha = 1, size = .3, show.legend = FALSE) +
  geom_path(aes(color = mt_id), alpha = .7, size = .3, show.legend = FALSE) +
  geom_point(color = "white", alpha = 1, show.legend = FALSE) +
  geom_point(aes(color = mt_id), alpha = .7, show.legend = FALSE) +
  coord_cartesian(xlim = c(-840, 840), ylim = c(-525, 525), expand = FALSE) +
  scale_color_manual(values = custom_colors_3) +
  labs(x = NULL, y = NULL) + 
  theme(axis.text.x = element_blank())

# Remap trajectories, align their start position and plot them
mt_data <- mt_remap_symmetric(mt_data)
mt_data <- mt_align_start(mt_data, start = NULL)
p2 <- mt_plot(mt_data, return_type = "mapping") +
  geom_path(color = "white", alpha = 1, size = .3, show.legend = FALSE) +
  geom_path(aes(color = mt_id), alpha = .7, size = .3, show.legend = FALSE) +
  geom_point(color = "white", alpha = 1, show.legend = FALSE) +
  geom_point(aes(color = mt_id), alpha = .7, show.legend = FALSE) +
  coord_cartesian(xlim = c(-840, 840), ylim = c(-525, 525), expand = FALSE) +
  scale_color_manual(values = custom_colors_3) +
  labs(x = NULL, y = NULL) + 
  theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.text.y = element_blank())

# Time normalize and plot trajectories
mt_data <- mt_time_normalize(mt_data)
p3 <- mt_plot(mt_data, use = "tn_trajectories", return_type = "mapping") +
  geom_path(color = "white", alpha = 1, size = .3, show.legend = FALSE) +
  geom_path(aes(color = mt_id), alpha = .7, size = .3, show.legend = FALSE) +
  geom_point(color = "white", alpha = 1, show.legend = FALSE) +
  geom_point(aes(color = mt_id), alpha = .7, show.legend = FALSE) +
  coord_cartesian(xlim = c(-840, 840), ylim = c(-525, 525), expand = FALSE) +
  scale_color_manual(values = custom_colors_3) +
  labs(x = NULL, y = NULL)

# Length normalize and plot trajectories
mt_data <- mt_length_normalize(mt_data)
p4 <- mt_plot(mt_data, use = "ln_trajectories", return_type = "mapping") +
  geom_path(color = "white", alpha = 1, size = .3, show.legend = FALSE) +
  geom_path(aes(color = mt_id), alpha = .7, size = .3, show.legend = FALSE) +
  geom_point(color = "white", alpha = 1, show.legend = FALSE) +
  geom_point(aes(color = mt_id), alpha = .7, show.legend = FALSE) +
  coord_cartesian(xlim = c(-840, 840), ylim = c(-525, 525), expand = FALSE) +
  scale_color_manual(values = custom_colors_3) +
  labs(x = NULL, y = NULL) + 
  theme(axis.text.y = element_blank())

(p1 + p2) / (p3 + p4) & plot_annotation(tag_levels = "A")

Figure 5: Outliers

Preprocess data

# Preprocess mouse-tracking data
mt_data <- KH2017 %>%
  mt_time_normalize() %>%
  mt_length_normalize() %>%
  mt_map() %>%
  mt_standardize(use = "prototyping", use_variables = "min_dist")

# Classify outliers
mt_data$data$outlier <- ifelse(
  mt_data$prototyping$z_min_dist > 2,
  "Distance > 2 SD", "Distance <= 2 SD"

Create plot

mt_plot(mt_data, color = "outlier", return_type = "mapping") +
  geom_path(aes(alpha = outlier)) +
  theme(legend.position = c(.14, .2), legend.background = element_blank()) +
  scale_color_manual(name = "", values = custom_colors[c(3, 1)]) +
  scale_alpha_manual(name = "", values = c(.08, .6)) +
  labs(x = NULL, y = NULL) +
  coord_cartesian(xlim = c(-950, 950), ylim = c(-150, 1050), expand = FALSE)

Figure 6: Trajectory indices

Preprocess data

# Import and preprocess mouse-tracking data and compute indices
mt_data <- KH2017_raw %>%
  filter(correct == 1) %>%
  mt_import_mousetrap() %>%
  mt_remap_symmetric() %>%
  mt_align_start() %>%
  mt_time_normalize() %>%
  mt_derivatives() %>%
  mt_measures() %>%

# Calculate movement time
mt_data$measures$movement <- mt_data$measures$RT - mt_data$measures$idle_time

# Calculate motor pauses
mt_data$measures$motor_pauses <-
  mt_data$measures$idle_time - mt_data$measures$initiation_time

# Select measures and specify labels
measures <- mt_data$measures[, c(
  "MAD", "MD_above", "AD", "AUC", "xpos_flips",
  "xpos_reversals", "sample_entropy", "RT", "initiation_time",
  "motor_pauses", "movement"

labels <- c(
  "MAD", expression(MD[above]), "AD", "AUC", "Flips",
  "Reversals", "Sample entropy", "RT", "Initiation time",
  "Motor pauses", "Movement"

# Compute Pearson and Spearman rank correlations
cors <- measures %>% cor()
cors_rank <- measures %>% cor(method = "spearman")

# Compute Cohen's d with confidence interval per measure
cond <- mt_data$data$Condition
effects <- sapply(measures, function(x) cohen.d(x, cond == "Atypical")$cohen.d)

# Setup colored correlations grid
cors_combined <- cors
cors_combined[upper.tri(cors_combined)] <- cors_rank[upper.tri(cors_combined)]
cols <- rev(cividis(201))
offset <- c(rep(0, 4), rep(.5, 3), rep(1, 4))
pos <- expand.grid(x = (1:11) + offset, y = (1:11) + offset) %>%
    cor = as.vector(t(cors_combined)),
    col = (cols)[round(c(cor) * 100) + 101]
  ) %>%
  filter(x != y) %>%
    y = 1 + max(y) - y

Create plot

# Setup two pane plot layout
layout(matrix(1:2, ncol = 2), width = c(.6, .4))
par(mar = c(1, 5, 5, 1))

# Create correlations plot
w <- .5
plot.window(xlim = range(pos$x) + c(-w, w), ylim = range(pos$y) + c(-w, w))
  pos$x - w, pos$y - w, pos$x + w, pos$y + w,
  col = pos$col, border = NA
text(pos$x, pos$y, labels = round(pos$cor, 2),
     col = ifelse(pos$cor != 1, "white", cols[201]), cex = .5, font = 1)
mtext(labels, side = 2, at = unique(pos$y) %>% sort(decreasing = T),
      las = 1, adj = 1, cex = .75)
mtext(rev(labels), side = 3, at = unique(pos$y) %>% sort(decreasing = T),
      las = 2, adj = 0, cex = .75)
mtext("A", side = 3, at = -3, cex = 1.15, line = 2.5)

# Create Cohen's d plot
ypos <- unique(pos$y) %>% sort(decreasing = TRUE)
cols <- rev(cividis(100))
plot.window(xlim = c(-.2, .8), ylim = range(ypos) + c(-.5, .5))
d_lines <- sapply(seq(-.2, .8, .1), function(x)
  lines(c(x, x), range(ypos) + c(-.5, .5), lty = 2, lwd = .5)
lines(c(0, 0), range(ypos) + c(-.5, .5), lwd = 2)
for (i in 1:length(ypos)) lines(effects[c(1, 3), i], ypos[c(i, i)], lwd = 2)
points(effects[2, ], ypos, pch = 15, cex = 1.5,
       col = cols[(effects[2, ] + .3) * 100 %>% round()])
labs <- sapply(seq(-.2, .8, .1) %>% round(1), function(x)
  str_sub(x, nchar(x) - 1, nchar(x))
mtext(labs, at = seq(-.2, .8, .1), side = 3, cex = .8)
mtext(expression(paste("Cohen's ", italic(d))), side = 3, line = 2)
  side = 2, at = unique(pos$y) %>% sort(decreasing = T),
  las = 1, adj = 1, cex = .75, line = .5
mtext("B", side = 3, at = -.8, cex = 1.15, line = 2.5)

# Store plot for potential export
current_plot <- recordPlot()

Average correlations between different types of measures

# Curvature and complexity indices
cors[1:4, 5:7] %>% mean()
## [1] 0.5048213
# Curvature and temporal indices
cors[1:4, c(8, 10, 11)] %>% mean()
## [1] 0.2587851
# Complexity and temporal indices
cors[5:7, c(8, 10, 11)] %>% mean()
## [1] 0.3690757

Principal components analysis

# One factor
pca(measures[, -8], nfactors = 1)[["communality"]] %>% mean()
## [1] 0.5345219
# Five factors
pca(measures[, -8], nfactors = 5)[["communality"]] %>% mean()
## [1] 0.9216523

Figure 7: Homogeneity

Preprocess data

mt_data <- KH2017 %>%
  mt_time_normalize() %>%

Create plot

# Setup two pane plot layout
par(mfrow = c(2, 1))

# Heatmap of raw trajectories
  variable = mt_data$data$Condition == "Atypical",
  smooth_radius = .5,
  mean_image = .15,
  mean_color = .15,
  colors = c("white", cividis(7)[c(6, 1)]),
  xres = 2000, bounds = c(-960, -100, 960, 1080),
  verbose = FALSE
mtext("A", cex = 1.5, side = 3, at = 50, line = -1.5)

# Heatmap of smoothed differences
  condition = mt_data$data$Condition == "Typical",
  colors = c(cividis(7)[6], "white", cividis(7)[1]),
  xres = 1000, bounds = c(-960, -100, 960, 1080),
  smooth_radius = 20, n_shades = 10,
  verbose = FALSE
## creating heatmap:  1000 x 615 px
mtext("B", cex = 1.5, side = 3, at = 50, line = -1.5)

# Store plot for potential export
current_plot <- recordPlot()

Figure 8: Clustering

Preprocess data

# Preprocess trajectory data
mt_data <- KH2017 %>%
  mt_length_normalize() %>%
  mt_cluster(use = "ln_trajectories") %>%
  mt_map(use = "ln_trajectories")

# Set colors
col <- custom_colors[1]
col2 <- "white"

Create plot

# Setup three pane plot layout
layout(matrix(1:18, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE), height = c(.2, rep(1, 5)))

# Prepare prototypes to display
prototypes <- mt_length_normalize(mt_prototypes, 20)
prototypes[, , 1] <-
  prototypes[, , 1] * -mean(mt_data$ln_trajectories[, 20, "xpos"])
prototypes[, , 2] <-
  prototypes[, , 2] * (mean(mt_data$ln_trajectories[, 20, "ypos"]) / 1.5)

# Compute percentages to display
tab1 <- table(mt_data$clustering$cluster)
tab1 <- round(tab1 / sum(tab1), 2) * 100
tab2 <- table(mt_data$prototyping$prototype)
tab2 <- round(tab2 / sum(tab2), 2) * 100

# Specify labels
txts <- c("Clustering", "Prototypes", "Prototype clustering")
txts2 <- c("A", "B", "C")
txts3 <- dimnames(mt_prototypes)[[1]]

# Plot column labels
# Note: setup of a figure of this size only works when opening graphics device
#        of sufficient size (see commented out png call above)
for (i in 1:3) {
  par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
  plot.window(xlim = c(0, 1), c(0, .2))
  text(.02, .1, txts2[i], font = 1, cex = 12)

# Plot trajectories per row
for (i in 1:5) {

  # First column in row: Trajectories in cluster ----
  # Extract clustered trajectories
  current_traj <- mt_subset(mt_data, cluster == i, check = "clustering")
  # Plot individual trajectories
    smooth_radius = 1,
    colors = c("white", col),
    bounds = c(-1000, -100, 1000, 1100),
    xres = 1000,
    verbose = FALSE

  # Add aggregate trajectory
  x <- colMeans(current_traj$ln_trajectories[, , "xpos"]) / 2 + 500
  y <- (colMeans(current_traj$ln_trajectories[, , "ypos"]) + 100) / 2.05
  lines(x, y, lwd = 55, col = col2)
  points(x[c(1, length(x))], y[c(1, length(y))],
         bg = col, col = col2, cex = 17, pch = 21, lwd = 10)
  lines(x, y, lwd = 35, col = col)
  # Add percentage labels
  text(200, 120, paste0(tab1[i], "%"), cex = 10)
  # Second column in row: Prototype ----
  plot.window(xlim = c(-1000, 1000), ylim = c(-100, 1100))
  points(prototypes[i, c(1, 20), 1], prototypes[i, c(1, 20), 2],
         bg = col, col = col2, cex = 17, pch = 21, lwd = 7)
  lines(prototypes[i, , 1], prototypes[i, , 2], lwd = 35, col = col)
  x <- ifelse(i <= 3, ifelse(i == 1, 50, ifelse(i == 2, 300, -150)), 0)
  text(x, 500, labels = txts3[i], col = "black", cex = 10)

  # Third column in row: Trajectories mapped on prototype ----
  # Extract trajectories mapped on prototype
  current_traj <- mt_subset(mt_data, prototype == i, check = "prototyping")
  # Plot individual trajectories
    smooth_radius = 1,
    colors = c("white", col),
    bounds = c(-1000, -100, 1000, 1100),
    xres = 1000,
    verbose = FALSE

  # Add aggregate trajectory
  x <- colMeans(current_traj$ln_trajectories[, , "xpos"]) / 2 + 500
  y <- (colMeans(current_traj$ln_trajectories[, , "ypos"]) + 100) / 2.05
  lines(x, y, lwd = 55, col = col2)
  points(x[c(1, length(x))], y[c(1, length(y))],
         bg = col, col = col2, cex = 17, pch = 21, lwd = 10)
  lines(x, y, lwd = 35, col = col)
  # Add percentage labels
  text(200, 120, paste0(tab2[i], "%"), cex = 10)

# Store plot for potential export
current_plot <- recordPlot()

Prototype frequency comparison

# Prototype frequencies per condition
prototype_frequencies <- 
##            straight curved cCoM dCoM dCoM2
##   Atypical      165     38   37   56    24
##   Typical       506    116   54   52    16
# Percentages
##              straight     curved       cCoM       dCoM      dCoM2
##   Atypical 0.51562500 0.11875000 0.11562500 0.17500000 0.07500000
##   Typical  0.68010753 0.15591398 0.07258065 0.06989247 0.02150538
# Chi-squared test of prototype frequency
prototype_chisq <-
##  Pearson's Chi-squared test
## data:  prototype_frequencies
## X-squared = 57.968, df = 4, p-value = 7.748e-12
# Extract residuals
##              straight     curved       cCoM       dCoM      dCoM2
##   Atypical -2.5908103 -1.2219092  1.8410798  4.1266634  3.4510977
##   Typical   1.6991203  0.8013597 -1.2074277 -2.7063725 -2.2633190

Figure 9: Position & angle

Preprocess data

# Preprocess trajectory data
mt_data <- KH2017 %>%
  mt_time_normalize() %>%
  mt_angles(use = "tn_trajectories")

# Transform angle and position into long format
pos_angle_long <- mt_export_long(
  use = "tn_trajectories",
  use_variables = c("steps", "xpos", "angle_v"),
  use2_variables = c("Condition", "subject_nr")

# Setup function that runs a mixed model per time step
mixed_model_per_step <- function(step, dv){
  current_data <-
    pos_angle_long %>%
    filter(steps == step) %>%
  # Do not run model if there is no non-NA data
  if(nrow(current_data) == 0){
    current_model <- "not_run"
    current_p <- 1
    current_n <- 0
  # If there is data, count number of observations
  } else{
    current_desc <-
      current_data %>%
      group_by(Condition) %>%
        n = n(),
        sd = sd(.data[[dv]]),
        n_subjects = length(unique(subject_nr))
    current_n <- sum(current_desc$n)
    # Only run model if there is data for at least two participants and 
    # if SD of variable is > 0 in each condition
    if((min(current_desc$n_subjects) > 2) & (min(current_desc$sd > 0))){
      current_model <- mixed(
        as.formula(paste(dv, "(1|subject_nr)+Condition", sep = "~")),
        data = current_data,
        progress = FALSE
      current_p <- current_model$anova_table$`Pr(>F)`
      current_model <- "run"
    # Otherwise set p to 1
    } else{
      current_model <- "not_run"
      current_p <- 1
      steps = step,
      p = current_p,
      sig = p < .05,
      n = current_n,
      model = current_model

# Run mixed models for xpos and angle_v
mixed_models_xpos <-
  unique(pos_angle_long$steps) %>%
  map_dfr(mixed_model_per_step, dv = "xpos")

mixed_models_angle <-
  unique(pos_angle_long$steps) %>%
  map_dfr(mixed_model_per_step, dv = "angle_v")

# Retrieve significant differences
##  [1] 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
## [26] 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95
##  [1]  10  38  47  48  49  50  51  52  53  54  55  56  57  58  59  60  61  62  63
## [20]  64  65  66  69  70  71  78  80  81  82  83  84  85  86  87  88  89  90  91
## [39]  92  93  94  95  96  97  98 100 101

Create plot

# Create plot for x positions
p1 <- mt_plot(
  use = "tn_trajectories",
  x = "steps", y = "xpos",
  color = "Condition", alpha = .1
) +
    use = "tn_trajectories",
    x = "steps", y = "xpos",
    color = "Condition",
    size = 2,
    return_type = "geom"
  ) +
  scale_color_manual(values = custom_colors_3[c(1, 3)]) +
  labs(x = "Time step", y = "Position on horizontal axis (x)") +
    label = "*", color = "black", size = 2,
    mapping = aes(x = steps, y = 1000),
    data = mixed_models_xpos %>% filter(sig)
  theme(legend.position = "none")

# Create plot for angles
p2 <- mt_plot(
  use = "tn_trajectories",
  x = "steps", y = "angle_v",
  color = "Condition", alpha = .05
) +
    use = "tn_trajectories",
    x = "steps", y = "angle_v",
    color = "Condition",
    size = 2,
    return_type = "geom",
    .funs = ~ mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE)
  ) +
  scale_color_manual(values = custom_colors_3[c(1, 3)]) +
    breaks = seq(-pi, pi, pi / 2),
    labels = scales::math_format(.x * pi, format = function(x) x / pi)
    ) +
  labs(x = "Time step", y = "Angle relative to vertical axis (y)") +
    label = "*", color = "black", size = 2,
    mapping = aes(x = steps, y = pi),
    data = mixed_models_angle %>% filter(sig)
  theme(legend.position = "top")

p1 + p2 + plot_annotation(tag_levels = "A")

Figure 10: Temporal averaging

Preprocess data

# Preprocess trajectory data
mt_data <- KH2017 %>%
  mt_length_normalize() %>%
  mt_map(use = "ln_trajectories") %>%
  mt_measures() %>%
  # Resample trajectories to allow averaging non-normalized trajectories
  mt_resample(step_size = 10, exact_last_timestamp = FALSE)

# Add data from other elements to data element
mt_data$data$RT <- mt_data$measures$RT
mt_data$data$prototype_label <- mt_data$prototyping$prototype_label


  use = "measures", use_variables = "RT",
  use2_variables = "Condition",
  .funs = "median"
rt_freq <- table(cut(mt_data$data$RT, breaks = c(0, 1500.5, 2500.5, 5000.5, Inf)))
##       (0,1.5e+03] (1.5e+03,2.5e+03]   (2.5e+03,5e+03]       (5e+03,Inf] 
##               420               469               142                33
rt_freq / nrow(mt_data$data)
##       (0,1.5e+03] (1.5e+03,2.5e+03]   (2.5e+03,5e+03]       (5e+03,Inf] 
##        0.39473684        0.44078947        0.13345865        0.03101504

Create plot

p1 <- mt_plot(
  use = "rs_trajectories", x = "timestamps", y = "xpos",
  color = "Condition", alpha = .1,
  subset = RT <= 1500
  ) +
  scale_color_manual(values = cividis(3)[c(1, 3)]) +
  labs(x = "Time in ms", y = "Position (x)", subtitle = "RT <= 1500") +
  theme_minimal() + 
  theme(legend.position = "none",
        plot.subtitle = element_text(size = 8, hjust = 0.5)) +
  coord_cartesian(ylim = c(-800, 800)) +
    use = "rs_trajectories", x = "timestamps", y = "xpos",
    color = "Condition",
    size = 2,
    return_type = "geom",
    subset = RT <= 1500

p2 <- mt_plot(
  use = "rs_trajectories", x = "timestamps", y = "xpos",
  color = "Condition", alpha = .1,
  subset = RT > 1500 & RT <= 2500
) +
  scale_color_manual(values = cividis(3)[c(1, 3)]) +
  labs(x = "Time in ms", y = "Position (x)", subtitle = "1500 < RT <= 2500") +
  theme_minimal() + 
  theme(legend.position = "none",
        plot.subtitle = element_text(size = 8, hjust = 0.5)) +
  coord_cartesian(ylim = c(-800, 800)) +
    use = "rs_trajectories", x = "timestamps", y = "xpos",
    color = "Condition",
    size = 2,
    return_type = "geom",
    subset = RT > 1500 & RT <= 2500
  ) +
  theme(axis.text.y = element_blank(), axis.title.y = element_blank())

p3 <- mt_plot(
  use = "rs_trajectories", x = "timestamps", y = "xpos",
  color = "Condition", alpha = .1,
  subset = RT > 2500 & RT <= 5000
) +
  scale_color_manual(values = cividis(3)[c(1, 3)]) +
  labs(x = "Time in ms", y = "Position (x)", subtitle = "2500 < RT <= 5000") +
  theme_minimal() + 
  theme(legend.position = "none",
        plot.subtitle = element_text(size = 8, hjust = 0.5)) +
  coord_cartesian(ylim = c(-800, 800)) +
    use = "rs_trajectories", x = "timestamps", y = "xpos",
    color = "Condition",
    size = 2,
    return_type = "geom",
    subset = RT > 2500 & RT <= 5000
  theme(axis.text.y = element_blank(), axis.title.y = element_blank())

h <- ggplot(mt_data$data, aes(x = RT, fill = Condition, color = Condition)) +
  geom_density(alpha = .55) +
  guides(fill = guide_legend(override.aes = list(alpha=1))) +
  theme_minimal() +
  scale_fill_manual(values = cividis(3)[c(1, 3)]) +
  scale_color_manual(values = cividis(3)[c(1, 3)]) +
  xlim(0, 5000) +
  theme(legend.position = "top") +
  labs(x = "Response time in ms", y = "Density") +
  theme(axis.text.y = element_blank()) +
  theme(legend.text = element_text(size = 6),
        legend.title = element_text(size = 8),
        legend.key.size = unit(.8, "lines")) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = c(1500, 2500), linetype = "dashed", size = .5)

h2 <- ggplot(
  mt_data$data, aes(x = RT, fill = prototype_label, color = prototype_label)
  ) +
  geom_density(alpha = .55) +
  guides(fill = guide_legend(override.aes = list(alpha=1))) +
  theme_minimal() +
  scale_fill_manual(values = cividis(5), name = "Trajectory type") +
  scale_color_manual(values = cividis(5), name = "Trajectory type") +
  xlim(c(0, 5000)) +
  theme(legend.position = "top") +
  labs(x = "Response time in ms", y = "Density") +
  theme(axis.text.y = element_blank()) +
  theme(legend.text = element_text(size = 6),
        legend.title = element_text(size = 8),
        legend.key.size = unit(.8, "lines")) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = c(1500, 2500), linetype = "dashed", size = .5)

h / (p1 + p2 + p3) / h2 + plot_annotation(tag_levels = "A")

Figure 11: Velocity & acceleration

Preprocess data

## Create prototype mapping using standard trajectory preprocessing first
mt_data <- KH2017 %>%
  mt_length_normalize() %>%
  mt_map(use = "ln_trajectories")
mt_data$data$prototype_label <- mt_data$prototyping$prototype_label

## Exclude potential phase without movement at beginning and end of trial
mt_data <- mt_data %>%
  mt_exclude_initiation(reset_timestamps = TRUE) %>%

## Calculate derivatives and then time-normalize trajectories with
## dimensions set to all meaning that derivatives are also time-normalized
mt_data <- mt_data %>%
  mt_derivatives() %>%
  mt_time_normalize(dimensions = "all")

Smoothing function

A similar function will be included in mousetrap package.

smooth <- function(x, pos, sd = 2) {
  sm <- numeric(length(x))
  for (i in 1:length(x)) {
    w <- dnorm(pos, pos[i], sd = sd)
    sm[i] <- sum(x * w, na.rm = T) / sum(w, na.rm = T)

Create plot

agg_traj <- mt_aggregate(
  use = "tn_trajectories",
  use2_variables = "prototype_label", trajectories_long = TRUE
) %>%
  group_by(prototype_label) %>%
    sm_vel = smooth(vel, steps, sd = 3),
    sm_acc = smooth(acc, steps, sd = 6)
  ) %>%

vel_plot <- ggplot(
  agg_traj,  aes(steps, sm_vel, col = prototype_label, fill = prototype_label)
  ) +
  facet_wrap(~prototype_label, ncol = 5) +
  geom_path(size = 2, show.legend = FALSE) +
  scale_color_manual(values = cividis(5)) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = cividis(5)) +
    x = "Time step",
    y = "Average velocity"

acc_plot <- ggplot(
  agg_traj,  aes(steps, sm_acc, col = prototype_label, fill = prototype_label)
  ) +
  facet_wrap(~prototype_label, ncol = 5) +
  geom_path(size = 2, show.legend = FALSE) +
  scale_color_manual(values = cividis(5)) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = cividis(5)) +
    x = "Time step",
    y = "Average acceleration"

vel_plot / acc_plot

Figure 12: Impact of trial design

Retrieve and prepare data from OSF

# Setup folder in working directory where design factors data should be stored

# Download design factors data using OSF file links and read them into R
# (if files already exist, download will be skipped and data will still be loaded)
design_factors_raw <-
    "1" = "",
    "2" = "",
    "3" = ""
  ) %>%
    ~ osf_retrieve_file(.) %>% 
      osf_download(path = "design_factors_data", conflicts = "skip"),
    .id = "experiment"
  ) %>%
  pull(local_path, name = "experiment") %>%
  map_dfr(read_csv, .id = "experiment")

# Filter and label design factors data
design_factors_raw <-
  design_factors_raw %>%
    Typicality = factor(Condition, levels = c("Typical", "Atypical")),
    Manipulation = str_to_title(group),
    Manipulation = factor(
      levels = c(
        "Click", "Touch", "Default", "Slow", "Static","Dynamic",
        "Initmax", "Rtmax"
      labels = c(
        "Click", "Touch", "Default", "Slow", "Static","Dynamic",
        "Timed: Initiation", "Timed: Response"
  ) %>%
  filter(correct == 1)

Preprocess data

# Import mouse-tracking data
mt_data <- mt_import_mousetrap(
  xpos_label = c("xpos_initial_phase", "xpos_get_response"),
  ypos_label = c("ypos_initial_phase", "ypos_get_response"),
  timestamps_label = c("timestamps_initial_phase", "timestamps_get_response")

# Preprocess mouse-tracking data
mt_data <- mt_data %>%
  mt_remap_symmetric() %>%
  mt_align_start() %>%

Create plot

# Create plots per experiment
p1 <-
  mt_data %>%
  mt_subset(experiment == 3) %>%
    use = "tn_trajectories",
    wrap_var = "Manipulation", wrap_ncol = 4,
    alpha = .025
  ) +
  coord_cartesian(xlim = c(-990, 990), ylim = c(-50, 970), expand = FALSE) +
  labs(x = NULL, y = NULL) + 
  theme(axis.text.x = element_blank())

p2 <-
  mt_data %>%
  mt_subset(experiment == 1) %>%
    use = "tn_trajectories",
    wrap_var = "Manipulation", wrap_ncol = 2,
    alpha = .025
  ) +
  coord_cartesian(xlim = c(-990, 990), ylim = c(-50, 970), expand = FALSE) +
  labs(x = NULL, y = NULL)

p3 <-
  mt_data %>%
  mt_subset(experiment == 2) %>%
    use = "tn_trajectories",
    wrap_var = "Manipulation", wrap_ncol = 2,
    alpha = .025
  ) +
  coord_cartesian(xlim = c(-990, 990), ylim = c(-50, 970), expand = FALSE) +
  labs(x = NULL, y = NULL) + 
  theme(axis.text.y = element_blank())

((p1) / (p2 | p3)) +
  plot_annotation(tag_levels = "A") &
  theme(plot.tag = element_text(size = 10))